Satisfy your pet’s appetite with delicious Sea Food bone broth dog food toppers for dry food from Goofy Tails! Carefully formulated with exceptional ingredients to make sure every bite is delicious and healthy, our bone broth will get your pet excited about their next meal. This exclusive Sea Food bone broth is an easy, amazing way to transform any meal from ordinary to extraordinary - simply pour the broth over your dog’s next kibble, freeze-dried, or fresh meal, and watch them enjoy the satisfying difference a little bone broth can make. Featuring an exclusive formula, this food topper for dogs is made with bones that have been cooked for hours to extract nourishing protein. These dog food gravy toppings for dry food are a natural source of omega that can help boost the quality of your pet’s coat and skin, support your pet’s joints, and improve the overall health of your pet. Your pet will love the delicious flavor of this gravy dog food - and you’ll love the healthy, nutritious benefits with every bite! At Goofy Tails, we know how important it is to make sure your pet eats only quality, nutritious food and treats that support their health. Our Sea Food broths for dogs are made with 100% human-grade ingredients, and they are made in a human food facility so you can ensure your pet only gets the best. This wholesome dog food broth will transform an ordinary meal into a culinary experience - and your pet will love every bite! Treat your best friend to unbeatable, delicious flavor with the Goofy Tails Bone Broth for dogs.
FEED YOUR PET THE BEST: Ensure meal time always satisfies your pets with Goofy Tails Sea Food Bone Broth for dogs. This delicious bone broth pouch is an easy, amazing way to transform a meal from ordinary to extraordinary.
- INCREDIBLY DELICIOUS SEAFOOD BROTH WITH OMEGA: A slow-simmered broth made with fish bones and other shellfish. The slow release of nutrients and omega found in fish bones helps with arthritis, joint problems, and healthy coat. It also supports kidneys and better protein retention.
- DELICIOUS MEAL TOPPER: The full-body taste of a warm bowl of Goofy Tails bone broth gravy provides a rich flavor. These dog food toppers will heighten your pet’s culinary experience. The amazing, comforting flavor will have your pets eager for mealtime! Simply pour the Sea Food bone broth over your pet’s favorite kibble or freeze-dried food for an amazing flavor boost they’ll obsess over.
NUTRITIOUS AND HEALTHY: Our dog food gravy is a natural source of collagen to support your pet’s coat, skin, and joint health. These bone broth packets have plenty of protein to satisfy your pet’s needs.
- BONE & MUSCLE BUILDER: Our dog food gravy is a natural source of omega to support your pet’s, joints and overall health. Seafood bone broth for pets is a delicious way to nourish your pet as an addition to their regular diet. this bone and muscle builder broth offers an amazing source of Omega fatty acids to support your pet’s skin and coat health.
- DOG FOOD BROTH: At Goofy Tails, we realize how important it is to give your pet the best. This dog food topper has an exclusive formula of 100% human-grade ingredients, and it is made in a human food facility.
- Important Note: Consult your vet before serving especially for dogs with any health issues or diseases.
Name and address of the manufacturer: (Mentioned on Packet)
Product’s Country of Origin: (India)
Net Quantity: (Mentioned on Packet)
Best Before 12 Months of Manufacturing.