How To Litter Train Your Cat / Kitten?
So you’ve added a small, lovable, four-legged meow baby to your family – congratulations! Get ready for the joy of seeing your Cat’s firsts – their first mess in their new home, their first time climbing up your way, and of course, their first time using the Litter box.
Still, whether it be a human or an animal, you know it’s not a walk in the park, If you’ve ever tried to restroom train anyone. Still, new Cat parents should take comfort in learning that waste box training a Cat is actually relatively easy.

Your Cat might have picked up on how to use the litter box from watching their Mommy cat use the kitty litter box for the bathroom, If you have adopted a particularly observant fluffball. Indeed if your little nugget didn’t relatively pick up on it also, their instincts naturally drive them to conceal any evidence after doing their potty business. Going to the restroom inside a box is nearly an alternate nature to kitties, thankfully.

Now that we’ve covered those Essentials, there are some ways to help you successfully restroom train your Cat.
1. Familiarize your Cat with their litter boxes
When you bring your Cat / Kitten home, show them to their Litter boxes as soon as possible. Gently place them outside and let them explore! They’ll want to whiff around and examine the box before they feel comfortable getting down to business, so give them plenty of time to get used to their plastic throne. However, gently run your fingers through the clean waste to encourage them to start exploring, If your Cat is reluctant to get into their box. Bear in mind that most of the cats won’t start using a litter box until they reach three weeks of age. Every Cat is different and each one develops at a different pace, so be especially patient while you are restroom training.

2. Bring them to their waste box constantly
Pick your Cat up and place them in a waste box right after each mess and after they wake up from naps. They’ll most likely have to go during these times and this helps them produce a regular restroom schedule and drop the liability of any messes! Immaculately, they should get used to associating the feeling of demanding to go to the restroom with the act of heading over to their litter.
3. Be super aware of your Cat’s “ gotta- go” behavior
If you ever see your cat smelling around, hunkering down, or speeding off to an isolated area in the house, it could be a signal that they need to go to the bathroom. However, pick them up and put them in their litter box right down, If you see this kind of cat gesture. Ultimately, you’ll be able to spot these signs more snappily and determine whether or not it means they need to go to the bathroom.

4. Praise for the restroom!
Each time your Cat successfully uses their litter box, reward them with a treat, a piece of their food, or even a new cat toy. Positive underpinning will make them want to continue doing their business in – and only in – their Cat litter box. You’ll need to wean your cat off of the prizes ultimately, but it’s fine while you’re starting out. Trying to bribe your Cat is a small price to pay for preventing them from having an accident on your carpet.

5. Don’t punish your Cat for accidents
Accidents can happen! If you discipline your Cat when they go to the restroom nearly other than their Litter box, this will just increase the stress and anxiety they feel towards going to the restroom. This can make restroom training indeed more delicate as they’ll likely launch to associate the act of going to the restroom with being penalized, no matter where they do it. However, stay calm and clean up the mess right down, with an enzyme- filled cleanser, If they do have an accident.

Goofy Tails Recycled Paper Clumping Cat Litter - 6 Litre for Cats and Kittens
Occasionally Cats develop habits of going to the restroom on top of piles of laundry or other clutter on the floor. However, keep your flooring clear, If you notice your cat is constantly doing this. As preliminarily mentioned, it’s not a good idea to move your litter boxes around once you’ve set them up, but in some cases this is okay. However, move a litter box over to that area, If your cat is constantly going to the restroom in the same spot in the house. This can really help Cats that are finding it hard to grasp the idea of using the litter box.
6. Keep Litter boxes clean
You’ll determine how frequently you need to clean your Cat’s litter box as time goes on, but there are many habits you should get into when you first get a Cat to make for less hassle (and lower stink) in the long run. Get in the habit of scooping up your Cat’s poop or waste clumps right after they go to the restroom. You must do the scooping at least two to three times a day. Cleaning the litter box itself and replacing the dirty litter with clean litter is also a commodity you’ll figure out as you and your cat get into a regular routine, but it’s generally common practice to replace waste every two to three weeks.

Remember to replace the cat litter you remove with some fresh cat litter, indeed if you only take a lot of scoops. The depth of the litter should be 2 to 3 inches to give your Cat room to dig around. However, you might not have to replace the litter as much, which saves you money and kitty litter.
Restroom training is only part of the package when it comes to retaining a Cat. Although it can be a little messy task, it’s worth it in the long run. Your Cat will appreciate your tolerance and understanding while training, and you’ll appreciate their amenability to keep their business where it belongs.
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