
Breed Name: Birman
Breed Highlights:
Birman originates from France. The word Birman is derived from Birmanie. The lifespan of a cat is 12 to 16 years. Additionally, cats are intelligent, quiet, and a bit shy with strangers. Birman cats become reserved with people they know well. However, they attach themselves to a single person, so if you need a loyal cat that loves you, then Birman is perfect for you.
Size: Medium-sized cat
Weight: 3 to 6 kg
Height: 15 to 18 inches.
Life Expectancy: 12 to 16 years.
Price: Rs 15,000 to Rs 60,000 in India
Breed Appearance:
Birman is a medium-sized cat. It has a rectangular body with a broad face and a Roman nose. Cats are tall; ears are wide on the base, and eyes are round and blue. Additionally, the legs are strong and slightly short in comparison to the body. However, cat fur is medium and long and has a silky texture. The cat has white paws, and the tail is wider at the base and taper to a rounded tip. Additionally, a coat of a cat is a single layer that gives a soft feel. The color of the coat is chocolate, blue, cream, red, cinnamon, frost, lilac, or tortilla.
Every cat has a different story, but Birman is surrounded by mystery. It is said there was a priest named Mun-Ha who worshiped at the Temple of Lao-Tsun and had a white cat named Sinh. One day, a Raiders came and killed Mun-Ha. When the priest lay dying, Sinh put his feet on the priest's body and faced the goddess Tsun-Kyan-Kse. After that, the cat transformed; the body turned to a golden color, the eyes turned blue, and the legs changed to brown. At the same time, the cat's feet remained white where shin touched his master. It is said that Birman's white feet are a symbol of purity.
At the end of World War Two, the cats were still alive. During that time, this breed is gaining popularity. In the 1960s, Birman was imported to England, and in 1966, British cat fancy associations recognized the Birman cat. In 1967, CFA recognized it, and in 1979, TICA accepted the Birman cat.
This Birman cat breed originates from France.
Breed Type - Family/guard:
Birman cats are intelligent, quiet, and a bit shy with strangers. The Birman cats like to be attached to a single person. They might feel jealous when they do not get attention. One of the drawbacks of Birman Cats is they gain weight quickly so it is essential to keep a check on their diet so health issues like obesity don’t arise. Also, they are a perfect fit cat for a single person and a person who needs love and affection.
Birmans are intelligent and pleasing cats. It is important to understand cat individuals as they vary in training ability based on their genetics. Some cats are easily inclined to learn and listen to commands and follow them, while some need patience and continued training.
For training, a cat provides them a reward after following one command properly. The reward may be treats, praise, or playtime. Also, to keep training attractive for cats, divide the sessions into short parts.
Health & Care:
The lifespan of a Birman cat is 12 to 16 years. It is a healthy breed with no health diseases. However, it can develop some common health issues—issues such as digestive, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, eyes, and urinary problems. One of the best ways to monitor your cat is to check yearly with their veterinarian.
To avoid ear infections, clean the ear with a soft cloth or cotton ball, and never use cotton swabs. To keep a Birman cat healthy, it is essential to provide nutrients and an age-appropriate diet. The diet needs to be fed in the correct amount because overfeeding leads to weight gain and obesity. The best way to keep your cat healthy is to encourage them to exercise.
Living Condition:
Birman cat lifespan is 12 to 16 years. These cats are cats who like to stay or be attached to a single person. They are a bit shy with strangers. Additionally, cats provide affection to the person they love. They like to stay home and play games at home with toys and with the owner. They need proper grooming to keep them healthy.
Birman loves to play, so bring the toy for them. The toys, such as feather wands, toy mice, and balls, jingle to engage them. Additionally, bring things to climb, such as cat trees, kitty condos, and cat-friendly bookshelves to engage them in exercise. The birman likes to live in the house with their owner and play with them.
The Birman cats have long and medium coats. It is a low-maintenance cat, and the coat is single-layered with a silky texture, which is less prone to matting. The brushing of coats is needed once or twice a week to keep the coat healthy and clean. Additionally, brush your cat's teeth weekly to prevent health issues such as bad breath and periodontal disease. Also, ensure that you use cat-safe toothpaste and a toothbrush.
Every week, check your cat's ears. If it has redness or poor odor, then it is a sign of an ear infection. To avoid ear infections, clean the cat ears regularly with cotton balls or a soft cloth.
- It is a sociable cat that connects with human beings and animals quickly.
- Cat likes cuddling and providing affection
- Birman is a playful cat
- It learns tricks quickly.
- Birman get overweight easily
- These cat grooming requirements are more.