Tips To Remember When Buying Food & Treats For Cats
Good food is a basic paramount in pet care, to have a healthy, happy pet you need to ensure you are providing nothing but nutritious and tasty food that ticks all the boxes for your cat. It can be greatly confusing to pick and choose from the plethora of products available online and offline, and so, I have made a checklist of sorts for you to keep in mind while you take the efforts of investing in a well-balanced diet for your furry friend :
- Proteins
- Fats
- Carbohydrates
- Vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, B12, L and etc.
- Minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and etc.
Another tip you could keep in mind is that when you browse through the ingredient list of a food or treats product, make sure you see meat in at least the top 3 ingredients. This could also serve as an additional appeal for your furry feline. A product like such that checks all these boxes is the Goofy Tails Chicken & COD Sandwich Cubes Treats for Cats and Kittens. These digestible treats offer a variety of the much-needed ingredients listed above to better achieve a well-rounded diet. The product’s primary ingredients are chicken breast and codfish, both of which are staples in cat care.
2. Age: *Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a type of healthy fat required for the development of the brain and the eyes, is essential for kittens. If a product claims to contain omega-3 fatty acids, Sanderson advises investigating further to determine which kind is present. Flaxseed and other plant-based omega-3 fatty acids are poor sources of DHA. Sanderson also suggests feeding adult cats foods containing fish oil, which gives them DHA and also reduces inflammation, as well as probiotics, which nourish their beneficial gut flora. As they age, cats also require different nutrients, such as more fat.
3. Human food: Feeding human food to our feline friends has been a growing trend, it is understandable that not many people will have the time to browse through multiple products or even prep them to therefore feed. However, there are things that must be kept in mind when feeding your cat human food:
- What human foods can a cat eat? The answer is – fish and other cooked meat (in small servings), bananas, berries (after you give them a good rinse and remove the stems), cereals, oatmeal or rice (keep in mind cats do need meat-based diet and the amount of carbohydrates you feed them shouldn’t be exceeding a total of 10% in accordance to each meal.
- What human foods can’t a cat eat? The answer is – chocolate, oranges, avocados, onions, caffeine and etc.

Through and through, knowing the tips mentioned above is crucial to pick the correct food and treats for your cat, the truth that is undeniable is that there are just way too many choices available online. So, for the next time you are stumped in the process of purchasing cat foods and treats, you should consider the above and the products I recommended to ensure that you provide nothing but the very best for your kitten.
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